ARC steunt natuurherstel in Oekraïne.

Onlangs is door de ARC-KNNV een bedrag van € 4070,- overgedragen aan het Danube Carpathian Programme, een organisatie die o.a. in de Oekraïne natuurherstelprojecten uitvoert.

The Danube-Carpathian Program was established in November 2009 for support and development of WWF network in Ukraine.

Until 2016, the Danube-Carpathian Program served as the legal representative of WWF in Ukraine.

Since November of 2018, the organization has changed the concept of its development and has become a nature expert environment dealing with nature conservation, sustainable development, socio-economic considerations.


Het overgemaakte geld  is door onze deelnemers aan de reizen bij elkaar gebracht uit de opslag voor CO2 en natuurherstel gedurende de afgelopen jaren !

De projectleider in de Oekraïne stuurde ons het volgende bericht, met een zeer informatief filmpje (zie de link onderaan dit bericht). Wellicht zal er in de komende jaren een ARC-reis worden georganiseerd naar Oekraïne, waarbij ook dit project zal worden bezocht.

We still do not know the outcome of the war but we believe in positive development. We have adapted to the war situation and explosion at some distance does not bother us much, however, when ballistic rockets fly above a roof apartment with a strong sound, that is an unpleasant feeling. That happened a few days ago to my family. Our people have two strange feelings, which help to survive  – stability and honour and not to be a slice of meat before the attack of Putin on another country.
Back to work: We have run the restoration projects, one on wet meadows to rescue the Narcissus Valley of Ramsar Site (256 ha) and the other – removing the three dams on rivers to secure free floating mountain rivers (Open River Programme). Also in Lviv city, we will start soon the restoration of the city peat bog.
In general, we have developed an Urban wetlands restoration programme, which Narcissus Valley, Andromeda and a couple of other sites are on our plan for this and the next few years. The restoration money can be used for any of these sites.
Scale up work on Narcissus Valley,  and the English language short video will provide a view of the landscape.

Zie de volgende link: